Bethel AME Church History  

Officers Roles and Responsibilities
National Council Negro Women

 • Oversees the work of the section and serves as the liaison between the
   section and National Headquarters Office, the New Jersey State Steering
   Committee, and the New Jersey Bethune/Height Program
 • Ensures that all policies, regulations and procedures are followed
 • Presides at all meetings of the membership and the executive committee
 • Appoints non-elected officers and committee chairpersons
 • Serves as ex-officio member of all committees except the
   nominating committee
 • Serves as the official representative of the section
 • Signs contracts on behalf of the section3
 • Prepares a quarterly report of the section’s progress towards its annual goals

1st Vice President – Program:
 • Assumes the responsibilities of the President in her absence
 • Develops, implements and coordinates section programs and activities

2nd Vice President – Membership:
 • Oversees membership recruitment, retention and reclamation activities
 • Works with the National Member Services Office at
   633 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20004 to ensure that membership enrollment forms and payments are promptly transmitted
 • Reconciles the section membership roster printout and sends
   changes and revisions to the National Member Services Office
 • Notifies NCNW National Member Services Office of
   changes of address, transfers, or deaths

3rd Vice President – Age Thirty-Five or under:
 • Encourages, recruits, and focuses on the participation of young women,
   who must be thirty-five years of age and under, to join the
   community-based section for growth and leadership in the section

Recording Secretary:
 • Maintains accurate minutes of the proceedings of all
 • section meetings in a permanent record
 • Maintains the current official records and documents of the section
 • Provides the seal and signature on official documents

Corresponding Secretary:
 • Issues all calls or notices of meetings
 • Writes such letters as designated by the President or Executive Committee

Financial Secretary:
 • Sets up books to record the cash receipts and disbursements
 • Receives and properly receipts ALL funds received by the section
 • Maintains financial records, prepares monthly reports
 • Issues pre-numbered receipts for monies received
 • Accounts for and transfers all monies received to the Treasurer
 • Records all receipts and disbursements on the proper books of account
 • Prepares annual fiscal year report, October 1st through September 30th
 • Assists in preparing the end of the fiscal year Internal Revenue Service
   Annual Section Reporting to be submitted when requested by
   the National Headquarters Office
 • Furnishes books, records, and all supporting documents for internal and external audit

 • Maintains section checkbook
 • Receives monthly bank statement and reconciles same
 • Deposits section funds in the bank immediately upon receipt from
   the Financial Secretary
 • Issues checks for payment upon proper documentation and approval
 • Co-signs with Section President, or approved alternate,
all checks issued by the section
 • Participates in providing documents for internal or external audits
 • Complies with state and federal reporting requirements of
 • the Internal Revenue Service
 • Works with a committee to prepare and present a draft section budget for
   approval by the third section meeting
 • Safeguards and manages
   the section’s financial assets
 • Supervises the recordkeeping; prepares financial statements;
   and files all tax returns and federal reports as required by
   the NCNW National Headquarters Office

 • Ensures that section business is conducted according to the bylaws of
 • the national organization and the section’s bylaws and standing rules
 • Uses Robert’s Rules of Order as the authority in the conduct of meetings
   and in matters not covered by section bylaws

- Receives and maintains all the section’s documents
- Prepares an annual report to the section

 • Draws upon spiritual resources to enhance creative relationships
   and meaning in the work of NCNW

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